Friday, March 6, 2015

Miles of Learning is Online

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the discussions. You will find various topics centered around student learning in thus blog. If you have questions about anything you read, please contact me.


  1. Miles i really like your page. Do you believe there is a downside to picking out terms you feel important in a text or are there ways you can really relate them to help you learn. I asked my friend to read an article and think about words that seem important and he was only picking out words that he did not understand so he felt they must be important I know they can help you learn meaning. Anyway nice page man I really enjoyed the read and I'm sorry my comment is more of a question off topic

  2. Miles i really like your page. Do you believe there is a downside to picking out terms you feel important in a text or are there ways you can really relate them to help you learn. I asked my friend to read an article and think about words that seem important and he was only picking out words that he did not understand so he felt they must be important I know they can help you learn meaning. Anyway nice page man I really enjoyed the read and I'm sorry my comment is more of a question off topic

  3. Miles, I love technology and I hope I find the right balance of books and technology in my classroom. There are so many games out there that help in my field of mathematics and I find myself even enjoying them and I you enjoy to learn that's a great thing. Good luck with your PHD.


Season 8 Review in Rocket League (Rising Tides Raise All Boats)

 Season 8 Review in Rocket League  (Rising Tides Raise All Boats)      This season was one of assistance, mechanics, and a step back from th...